5 Instagrammers you should follow if you love Travelling!

These Instagrammers will definitely inspire you to travel more!

Instagram is a humongous platform to explore talent and to come across people who inspire you in various walks of life, but when it comes to travelling there are a few instagrammers who simply rule the Instagram community. So here are the 5 top grossing instagrammers who have an out-of-the-world game when it comes to travelling and landscape photography!


Sam Kolder
Sam Kolder, 23, is a Canadian filmmaker, a full time traveler and just to add to it, an amazing photographer too. He has worked with many huge travel companies like ‘Beautiful destinations’, and has over 1.6 million instagram followers as of 2020. If you have watched any of his videos, then you must have already fallen for his skill. He flies his drone like no one can ever imagine. His photography is simple but he makes the location look so magnificent. Furthermore his instagram follows a simple tone and that’s what probably makes his Instagram profile appealing! When it comes to videos, his videos are the best part, as the transitions & content infused in it make even a 30 minute video worth watching. One of his videos that garnered him the most views over YouTube is ‘My Year 2016’, it’s simply jaw dropping. If you want to know more about his story you can watch ‘Hey Tim’ video on his  YouTube channel which describes how he lost his brother and then how he gathered courage to work on his dreams. Something that Sam Kolder’s life teaches us is that whatever happens if you dream and work hard then one day you will definitely succeed! 
Sam Kolder flying over the active Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii


Emmet Sparling

One of the top grossing instagrammers who has an absolutely stunning photos and videos is Emmet Saprling. He is someone who had a dream of travelling the world and since graduating he is seen travelling to every look and corner of the globe. From Hawaii to Swiss glaciers he has been to all. He might be seen capturing sunrise over a misty coconut plantation in Bali or exploring the pristine dunes in South Africa or even being dropped into deep cave in Java. Not only does he enjoy deep water swimming but his underwater photography is some another level game! Coming back to instagram Emmet Sparling has about 675k followers as of now and he deserves it all
! In an interview for ‘Face the Current’ Magazine, Emmett shared one of his many memorable moments while on a trek in Peru: “The first thing that comes to mind when I think of life-changing travel experiences, is my trek through the Peruvian Andes in August 2017. After trekking for 5 days through the Andes, we were determined to get to Rainbow Mountain for sunrise. On our final day, we left basecamp at midnight to reach rainbow mountain by 5:30am (sunrise). At around 16,500 feet at 3am, we were hit by a blizzard while crossing the ridge leading to our final destination (17,400ft). We huddled together in the dark until the storm began to clear and the sun began to rise. Epic pink clouds greeted us for no more than 5 minutes before turning back to their usual grey. It was absolutely magical. It was one of the most fulfilling moments of my life because of how much effort went into getting the shot. I had envisioned it weeks before, and we were able to make our vision come to life.”

Emmet Sparling



Peter McKinnon

Peter McKinnon is a self-learned photographer / filmmaker who is much ahead of his times. He is not only killing the photography and filmmaking game already, that his tutorials over his YouTube are simple and too easy to understand. Peter McKinnon became more famous over YouTube but his Instagram seems to be smoothly crafted. It is so precise and crisp that you’d love the arrangement and colour grading of each & every post. When it comes to tutorials, he lets out some helpful tips to work upon and lift up your Photography / Photoshop/ Lightroom skills. Now with over 3 million subscribers on YouTube & 2.3 million on Instagram, the Toronto based content creator and digital entrepreneur is now an internationally acclaimed creator uses his channel to help new budding photographers to pursue their passions. Peter’s editing tutorials, offer visually stunning bits of savvy advice for any creative, proving that by “taking the passion and putting it first, everything else follows.”

Peter McKinnon


Chris Burkard
At the age of 33, Chris Burkard, has been known all over the world for his global presence and as an impactful influencer. His love for filmmaking and photography has enabled him to work on some global platforms, in some prominent campaigns with Fortune 500 clients and to give an unimaginable talk on TED! Chris has an elaborate line of untamed powerful landscape photos coupled with outdoor, travel, adventure, surf and lifestyle subjects. With over 3.5 million followers on instagram he has a solid impact on the social stage. Through social media he wants to inspire people to explore themselves and wants the people to see the world through his lens. His captures will instill a sense of admiration in you to reconsider your bond with the nature and he even propagates the fundamentals of preserving the wild places on Earth!
Chris Burkard


Jord Hammond
After exploring more or less 44 countires, Jord’s hunger to travel dosen’t stop, instead it motivates him to travel more & more. Jord Hammond is a young budding photographer from England who loves to capture the serenity and scenic beauty of a place making that location a must-to-go spot. His photos make the world look so unnatural and dreamy that your craving for stepping your foot into the wild becomes irresistible. He inspires lot many young artists with his marvelous journeys and perfect images of the trips his been on. His good work also includes making tutorials on YouTube where young artists, photographers & graphic designers can learn a bit of retouching and editing. His phenomenal images are a product of his extensively stunning Photoshop and Lightroom skills. Chris has over 631k followers on instagram and inspires each and every one of them to be someone they have always wanted to be! Throttling across the globe, from Bali to China, his journeys are filled with amaze experiences from exotic beaches and mind raveling architecture. He also owns a blog where he documents all of his journeys and lays out tips and short highlights of his marvelous voyages.

Jord Hammond

So, in conclusion, there's a lot to learn from all of these infamous travelers plus photographers. There are many more instagrammers who couldn't make upto the lsit but don't worry, we'll be taking about them in then upcoming blogs soon. Till then, keep creating, keep learning!

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